
How millennial is my lunch? Salad leaves, tomatoes and yes, mashed avocado on sourdough toast. But it was tasty!

The Gabapentin and oramorph are doing their work and at last the pain has eased, and is manageable. I know that’s not fixing it but at least I can function.

The book group came to me at 10am. There were 6 of us and my book Admissions by Henry Marsh went down well. We all enjoyed reading about his experiences as a brain surgeon, his volunteering in Ukraine and Nepal, his honesty about his character, his DIY projects, and more. We felt he was a workaholic and would be a difficult man to live with. His criticism of the newer methods adopted by NHS divided us. One health worker said the new protocols and procedures were in the best interests of the patient, but others felt the setting up of new organisations and layers of management were a waste of time and resources.

It was nice to see everyone and Shona had brought me another book which I’m off to start now.

Thank you all for bearing with me through this - hopefully I’ll be lighter-hearted soon and have on less of my RBF. (#2 daughter’s expression - “resting bitch face”)

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