It's Never Too Late to Dance

(In the picture: lady with Fred As-scarecrow; vocalist sitting in blue, her husband on the far right; my dance partner in black; woman in blue pants dancing with her dog.)

I'd been out of sorts all day, from a sleepless night, and reluctantly went to Eric's gig in the evening. The gig was a birthday party for the husband of one the vocalists, and was held at a retirement center where the band often plays.
But, traffic was heavy, I had to move the truck twice and park it far away, music for the bass was missing, we forgot a microphone at home, Eric's phone was in the shop, and mine was seriously out of charge, so I only got a couple of pictures. But once the music started, the vocalist and her husband took to the floor with glee, and it all came to life and was really fun.

The backstory is that the vocalist is very ill with cancer, and this was her chance to throw a party for her husband, a former children's TV show host, with a wonderful ability to make you laugh and warm your heart. Her east coast grandkids were there along with family and friends.

They were soon joined on the dance floor by a lot of others, including the woman who danced with her dressed-up lap dog in her arms, another who danced with a silent partner she made from a Halloween scare-crow, and another, the tallest old man I ever saw who claimed he hadn't danced in fifty years and stayed on the dance floor all evening with his resigned wife. But the best part for me, was the excellent dancer who asked me to dance for a few tunes. There's not much in this life I'd rather do.
The Extra shows the band, too.

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