A very different day!!

I took the train into Sheffield from the village for a day out. B stayed at home with Amber as it wasn’t his scene!!

R is attending Goldsmiths North in Cutlers’ Hall and had a ticket for me. It’s a contemporary silverware and jewellery selling fair. We met up at the Millennium Gallery where I had a coffee whilst she had a meeting, then on to Cutlers’ Hall.

An awesome setting and some beautiful jewellery. I’ve never see such a variety of creations in one place. The prices were eye watering expensive, the price of a small house, or maybe not so small house!!!

The designers and crafts people were from all over the country and I was surprised to discover that I know the location of the lady jeweller that made the creation that I coveted. She knows our former neighbour who is also a jeweller. Small world :0)

On the way back to the station I visited the Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair. Young designers and very interesting items. I was able to have a leather ‘fix’ at the handbag stalls, the smell of leather is one of my loves....never mind perfume stuff in a bottle :0)

Glorious weather and a most enjoyable day, but a sad note as I got back to the station. I received a phone call about the friend that we visited recently. Her daughter rang to say that her health has deteriorated rapidly and she is very poorly. I was able to sit in a quiet area and compose myself for the train journey home.

Home to do chopstick practice with a bottle of wine and a catchup on the tennis.

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