A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Be Careful What You Wish For

This morning I bravely ventured to Ikea in Málaga alone. Feeling rather like Theseus, I entered the labyrinth, unravelling my ball of string as I went.

Having slain my Minotaur, I returned unscathed to the outside world, feeling quite proud of myself.

On returning to Viñas, I discovered the decorators had arrived at last. But I had no idea they would make such a mess.

By seven o’clock they had finished painting and the wall looks perfect. However, every single surface and object in every room of the flat is covered in a layer of plaster dust.

So this weekend we shall be cleaning the place, rather than enjoying the first day of our holiday together.

Monday we leave for the west coast, so it will need to be done by then. Have a wonderful weekend everybody.

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