Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Wet, wet, wet

Today was quite leisurely as we had run around delivering various letters yesterday. Jim's turn for a lie in.

Once we were all up and dressed Jim took a bicycling William to the barbers so both boys would have short hair for the new year. C stayed with me and wrote the first of her 'Three best moments of Christmas' homework. It was about the ballet show, which technically wasn't in the holidays, but she was enthusiastic so I let her write it.

After lunch the boys went to Welwyn in the train and W bought a Stegosaurus with some Christmas money. The girls went to Hitchin. We took some stuff back, swopped a duplicate book for the first Horrid Henry and got C's feet measured. I only did the feet to be sure, I really didn't think they would have grown as she only had them measured at the beginning of Sept. Wrong! New shoes for school, which also means new trainers, plimsols and of course at some point new shoes for home, although we have a little to spare on those at the moment.

We then went to Nero for a free coffee, thanks to O2 and they threw in C's drink for free too. Carys did some more of her homework whilst we were there.

As we came out it was monsoon like weather, the highstreet had an inch of water running down it, so we took pity on the boys and went to pick them up. This shot doesn't do the level of rain justice.

Happy New Year to the whole Blip Community. My resolution for 2013 is to get back to regular commenting.

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