Clapham and Settle

Now this is a misleading photo. But read on...

The Minx and I were up early, this morning, to make a speedy return from our unusual digs in Caerphilly and thus spend as much of the day as possible with Dan and Abi. 

In the afternoon, the four of us went over to Clapham, primarily because the Minx still hopes the man who was selling plants there last year will reappear. (Spoiler: he didn't.) We had a mooch around in the sunshine and some lolz in the vintage shop, where I picked up a couple of irresistible items with which to further clutter my house.

For reasons unknown, the vintage shop also sold (hopefully non-vintage) fudge, so we stopped on the wall next to the river to eat it. The view down the river was beautiful, hence the rash of Instagramming that resulted, which was caught in this photo. This brief spate of uploading aside, this was a very social afternoon!

As the Minx's horticultural needs had not yet been met, we went further afield to Settle, where we discovered a wonderful garden centre called 'Lay Of The Land', which also did great coffees and cakes. All in, it was a grand afternoon out!

No scales
Reading: 'Pauline Boty: Pop Artist And Woman' by Sue Tate

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