Busy boys day

The boys said they wanted to have an adventure and climb the big mountain, so Mr C got his rucksack packed - James had come minus a raincoat so he took one of his for 4 year old James. Unfortunately it was needed - pic on the left.

Thomas wanted to bake so we made a chocolate cake for tomorrow when we’ll meet Ella and Nathaniel. It would have been their Auntie Vicky’s 48th birthday. They never knew her but know lots about her and last year Ella thought we should have a cake and a special day to remember her. The daughters and I weren’t sure if we’d cope with the cake idea but we gave it a go so now they want to do it again.

The other picture is James drying out his trainers, as once the rain stopped they wanted to go out on their bikes.

Thomas likes Knockout Whist so he and I played that. He won every time and I was trying, honest.

Mr C has had a big day as he had to do bedtime as I was going out. My friend Lynne is in a portable theatre group and they were performing in our village hall tonight. I walked and my arm was really sore, so it was good I saw friends who live along the road who gave me a lift home. The show was sold out. It wasn’t as good a play as previous years - Noel Coward, about a home for old actresses. A bit slow and dated of course, but the acting was excellent. They must be exhausted, 4 nights at different venues and everything to set up and dismantle.

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