A Year of Rain

Its the end of another year and time to reflect on the past 12 months and look forward to 2013.

2012 was a good year and is full of happy memories. While holidays to Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Teneriffe were fabulous, it was time spent with family and friends here in Carradale that I will cherish every bit as much. There were also visits to our sons and their girlfriends in Edinburgh and England, which were greatly enjoyed - particularly making meals for us or taking us out!

On the Blip front, 365 came and went and I am now content to post as and when I feel like it. Like most people, my enthusiasm for blipping comes and goes and is usually influenced by the weather and light. The last month or so has been dark, damp and dreary with little to inspire an outside blipper. I have made the decision to move up to a full DSLR in order to improve my skills and get better low light shots. I think that will be my challenge for 2013, but first I have to decide on a camera!

Today's blip from the front of the house reflects the kind of weather we have had in 2012 - cloudy and wet. Here's hoping 2013 is a better year, particularly for the farmers who have had a real hard time of it this year.

To everyone who comments on my journal or just drops by to see what's happening in this small corner of Scotland, have a happy New Year and all the very best for 2013.

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