
By bananablip

Sweet like cherries

Today has been a wonderfully long and brilliant day. Love the way that summer days stretch out and feel like they last forever.

I cycled out to our prayer breakfast (got lost and ended up on a bridleway on my road bike but we'll blame google for that). It's one of my faves because there's always a guarantee of lovely homemade jams - as well as the usual good folk and brilliant prayer time. 

Pottered around the house and then headed out for a cheeky lunch at The Olive Tree. Can't believe it's taken me till this year to discover such a Shrewsbury gem.

Then I went to the induction service for the new Bishop of Shrewsbury which was good and interesting. Obviously there wasn't a great opportunity to get to know Bishop Sarah any better on an occasion like that but if her hymn choices are anything to go by - I think I'll like her! Genuinely, she seems very humble and normal. Honestly, I've never seen so many dog collars in my life. 

Then onto T&B's for a long and overdue Musketeers gathering. We toasted a new happy couple, ate cherries and generally had a lovely evening.

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