Journey Through Time

By Sue

The Mall

Auntie and I went to Clackamas Town Center today. She stayed in Macy's to shop and I headed to JC Penney. Macy's is in the background in this shot Macy's is behind me and across from it is the food court and this is where that idiot shooter killed two people a few days before the tragedy at Sandy Hook. I saw that there were all these red, white and blue stars all over the glass "fences" and this is where people are leaving a small note of sympathy for the Clackamas shootings. I found the stars, wrote down my message and put it in the bin and later it will be added to the wall of stars. There were hundreds of them.... It was very touching. I was talking to one of the ladies at JC Penney that I know who still works there and she said it was her day off that day. I said, wow, I bet security had those doors shut so fast! And another lady standing there said, "That would be my job." So on that day she was trying to get those big doors shut. I don't mean to be crude, but if that had been me...underwear would have had to be changed.

So, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Oh, Please Universe, be kind to all of us this year. We are going to be sliding down a slippery slope and I don't know where it will end. But, you know what....NOT GOING TO WORRY ABOUT IT.

I have birds to take photos of....that's the main thing. Oh, and we are having light snow showers!

Catch ya later..

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