
Off we went to get our air conditioning fixed as we were all booked into the Ford garage in Ales. An hour and a half the homme said so off we trotted into nearby shops etc and returned to be told it was all fixed "120 euros please."
Off to another section of Ales in high excitement to test it anew to find it wasn't really fixed at all - in fact it was the same.
Back to Monsieur and it was far too close to lunch to do anything but his merry men could look at it in the afternoon at 2:30pm.
A circular drive took in Lussan and a half decent lunch before returning the car. After half an hour, the verdict was that it was the compressor - coming in at nearly one thousand euros to fix. The decision to sweat a bit was easily taken. 5pm before we got home having achieved practically nothing.
One of those jours.

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