These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

The thrill of storytime

At some random point in time, about three months ago, Josh told Tyler a very short field goal story right before bed. It was simple, it was short and it was thrilling. However, at the time, we had no idea how thrilling it really was. After about two weeks of requesting a field goal story, Josh was starting to get a little bored and worn out from coming up with make up stories. However, one day, he realized how truly special these stories are the the kids. They are just a few words that he has to come up with but to the kids, it takes them to a whole new world.

After three months of storytelling, we now have quite the storyline going. Lately, the stories all involve Tyler and Mia and their friends going to a hockey game where golden and silver tickets fall out of the sky. The golden tickets allow Tyler to play hockey with the Chiefs. The silver tickets allow Mia to ride on the Zamboni with Wilbur the pig. I'm telling you, storytime is crazy time around here.

Tonight, all for the sake of a blip. both kids climbed in Tyler's bed and enjoyed the story together. Pure bliss!

We had a lovely Sunday. Church, family, fun, and a little rest. Time to get ready for another busy week! Goodnight all!

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