These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

Bombs Away!

Today, we had pajama day at home and we welcomed a friend who is going to be spending the days with us for a few months! She had a very good first day at our house and the kids loved playing all their normal games in the comfort of their jammies!

We haven't played blocks for a long time, but pulled them out today and had fun building towers and knocking them over. This particular tower got slid right off the edge of the table and I was able to catch it right as it started to tip! Tyler LOVED me taking pictures of his tower.

Tonight, Tyler is sleeping on the top bunk of Mia's bed for a sleepover. I was doing work before bed and Mia had a major fit trying to go to sleep, even with the excitement of a sleepover. Tyler is thrilled beyond belief to be sleeping on a top bunk bed. It's a first for him.

We are praying for little Hannah Marie, who came down with the pukes and has been puking all day long. Hopefully, she wakes up in the morning feeling better!


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