Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Piper and her Dad

Of all the pretty scenery shots I got today, this is my favorite.  It's the perfect image to celebrate my 5th Blipiversary because these two sweethearts have always been very patient with me when I stop for photos.  They have waited many hours over the past 5 years with no complaints.  Sorry PD is facing away but I really liked this candid shot of the two of them taking in the views. :-)

Many thanks to all the people behind the scenes who keep Blip up and running!  It has truly changed my life, opening up new horizons and introducing me to new friends from around the world.  I am very grateful for that and especially grateful for all of you that I've had the privilege of meeting in person!  I feel very fortunate that Blip came up in a conversation over dinner that night 5 years ago.  :-))

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