
I drove to Christchurch today to return Sebastian to his Mum.

A couple of years back Kiwilizzie introduced me to this spot at Marble Hill where there are often south island robins - and this is the first place I ever recall seeing one. Now I stop here most times that I travel between Murchison and Christchurch and there is usually a robin or two to be seen. I have since found them in a number of other places but this is a special place for me - so thanks Liz.

I love them, they are such nosy wee things - loving to poke into cars and chatting the other robins they see in the car mirrors.

Today we stopped for about 5 minutes and this is the only one that popped in - I really wasn't ready for him as I was taking scenery photos at the time and my settings weren't ideal, but I snapped off a shot. Fortunate as he flew off and didn't return.

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