Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Happy New Year

"In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer." Albert Camus

Let's hope so, eh?

This morning aprecious pulled 'inspiration' from her angel cards. Not looking too promising so far.

And before you say anything it wasn't my fault. She was making a funny noise. At 5:00am. I was rescuing her. Selflessly, I jumped on the bed to save her. The things I do for that woman. And am I appreciated?


I am not.

I think what she said was, "Maud, please return to your cushion." Or something like that. She did say something that rhymed with duck, but I didn't quite catch it...

So I had to go and lick her face to make her repeat it. She did. And this time she added something that rhymed with ache.

It wasn't for Duck's Ache Maud! But it something quite a lot like it.

This is like one of those games where you have to spot things.

This works better in large (just about!) So hit that L key!

Note to self: must tidy up!

Happy New Year Everyone...

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