The story so far...


New Years kiss

I am sorry boys but this photo will haunt you both forever.
Mummy and daddy invited cj's mummy and daddy over to see in the new year together. We hatched a plan to exhaust the boys during the day by taking them swimming in the afternoon. The pool was very busy and not particularly warm hence cam wasn't as calm and happy as he usually is in the water.
Afterwards we headed home to cook the dinner and make the house presentable before our guests arrived. When they did arrive the boys played together before bed with cj being amazed by cam's selection of noisy toys and particularly take by the worlds most annoying steering wheel.
Just before bed there was just time for a quick photo to remember the night and the boys seemed intent on either kissing or biting each others noses which caused lots of laughing from the grown ups.
When all tucked up in bed the grown ups enjoyed a lovely meal, a fair amount of alcohol and played games whilst 2013 rolled around.
It was a truly lovely evening and we can't think of a better way to see in a new year and celebrate 2012 which has been the most amazing year ever. It has given us some great friends, our wonderful life in Henley and most importantly out amazing little boy. I can't wait for the adventures 2013 has to bring but it has a lot to live up to. Happy new year xx

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