My Best Efforts - Year 3


These Hazel Catkins..........

..............I saw growing in a hedgerow, glowing yellow in the sun, are known as "Lambs Tails" and are the males - the female little red stigmas (one can be seen just below the leaf bud near the top right hand side of the picture) catch the pollen from the catkins that is blown by the wind. They seem to me a bit early - they are quite big for January - it is usually February before they are as long as these. Perhaps all the rain we've had! It has been a gorgeous day with brilliant blue sky but the wind is very cold.

Well, this is the first day of another year and 2012 wasn't the best for a lot of people - so I sincerely hope for all those - both here and all round the world - that 2013 will improve for them all. With that in mind - A HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone .

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