My Best Efforts - Year 3


A Follow-up Really............ my blip "Just a Curiosity" of the 23rd October,I wanted to find out more so I revisited Tattershall - best known for it's old castle built in 1434 by Ralph de Cromwell but today I was more interested in the Holy Trinity Collegiate Church next to the Castle. The Church was endowed by the same person as the Castle but was not built until after his death. The little house on a larger house (23/10/12) is supposed to be the house of Tom Thumb and in the Church is a plaque marking the grave of the said Tom Thumb who, it reads, died on1620 aged 101 !!!
It would seem to me that there must be TWO Tom Thumbs - the fictional one was supposed to be only the size of his Father's thumb (sounds pretty unlikely to me!!) and the real one who was 47cm tall, was married and lived in Tattershall. (There are photos of him and his wife on Google)
My pictures show one of the doors into the Church which is only about 4ft high (made for the real Tom Thumb? - haha)
and also one of the carved wooden Angels high in the roof - both of which I thought were interesting, particularly the Angels.
If this is a bit garbled - I'm sorry -have done my ( not very good) best. The tiny house on the roof of a larger one in the village really made me curious and at least I am a little wiser. Just hope you are too!!!

It has been a dull dreary day again so my visit to Tattershall was the perfect answer to the weather.

My "Unexpected Bonus" sunset reached the Spotlight page so I have to thank everyone who commented, gave stars and hearts - as you can imagine, I am absolutely delighted - so "thank you all" once again.

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