The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Cross That Bridge

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went for a cycle with Dodzilla today.

Dodzilla is a very good (and fast) cyclist but we had a lovely time especially after I told him that I would have to stab him if he mentioned that he NORMALLY averages 20 mph again!

It was really lovely pottering along, charring and catching up. Dodzilla was really good at letting me set the pace and not making me feel out of my depth. It’s his fault anyway - he was the one who persuaded me to sign up for a 50 mile cycle! We went from South Queensferry to Culross, stopped in the park for some mint aero slice (provided by Dodzilla) and a shot on the swings before heading back. I love cycling over the Forth road bridge. It reminds me of you LTJ.

It’s probably the slowest cycle he has ever done but it was my fastest. Glad I hooked a tow to the back of his bike!

In the afternoon, I went with The Mini Princesses to see Soider-Man: Far From Home. The Prince ducked out to watch golf in peace. We liked it - not as much as Homecoming but it was a bit of light relief after going through the emotional wringer of Endgame.

Plans to cook dinner were abandoned due to CBA in favour of a takeaway from Mother India. I think because The Mini Princesses are off I keep thinking I’m still on holiday. I hope I don’t forget to go to work on Tuesday. That would be TERRIBLE.


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