He’s off!

Dennis left mid-morning for his long drive back to Suffolk. Here he is in Clara, his beautifully restored 2CV. (Ours rusted away in 1984).

Mr C also left in the van to take it south of the Tyne for its annual service, so he had to come home by bus. This probably took him as long as it did Dennis to get to Ipswich, and he’ll have to do the same thing in reverse tomorrow.

We had high winds but it is lovely and warm. I tried to come off the oramorph yesterday as I thought I was improving but I had such a bad night I’m back on it. The plan is that I extend the time between doses. I see the physio tomorrow so I ‘ll ask her. I’m really sick of not only the pain, but also feeling dopey. I would so lov3 to get out for a walk, but it is too painful.

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