What Do You Think Of Those Apples Then?

PD thought he would be a smart alex this morning and go for a long walk (after scoffing Jay's food at some point doing the night).
We got to the point furthest from the house and he realised that the hot clammy weather was exhausting him and didn't want to walk any more.
He was the one trying the power struggle and I wasn't going to carry him!

Back at the house for a short while, then it was take PD back to his house, leave him there, collect a set of car keys for Betty's house and then go to the airport to collect her and the H's after their (eventful) river cruise in France.
Typical Ryanair ….. the flight was 45 mins late in taking off - made up 15 mins, then another 10 mins, landed 10 mins even earlier (according to the on-line 'live' times) -- and actually landed nearly 20 mins later.
I am so glad I didn't pay heed to all that and go to the pick-up point ….. that would have cost a fortune, since it is £2 for the first 5 minutes and goes up rapidly thereafter.
I waited at the park & ride until I got a phonecall from Mrs H to say they had collected their bags before making my way down so we arrived at the same time.

It was then into Edinburgh to drop Betty off (still no idea why she had no key for her flat - she must have locked it when she left!) before fighting the traffic back out west to drop the H's back at home.

By that time SWMBO was about to return to bed due to the oppressive heat and air pressure.
I then went out to make some more wood shavings for a while.

I am now trying to work out why Jay (in the extras) is not eating properly …. is it the specially formulated soft food from the vet? - is it the medication that we have to add to it? (of which there are two kinds)? - or the new 'better tasting' formulation of his hard food?
Knowing how downright fussy cats can be, it could be any one of those things or a combination.
Since both of us are getting on in years, either one of us could lose the will to live before I get to the bottom of it.

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