Pretty In Pink.

There two arrived today at the later hour of 8.30 am.  After breakfast, we headed upstairs.

Isabella requested the box of fairies.  At first they sedately took the fairies out one by one and laid them on the floor.  After a while Isabella decided this was too slow, so tipped them onto the floor.  When it came to tidying up it was Mia who put most of them back into their box.  Some have escaped and gone home with them this afternoon!

Then it was time to play with the Doll's House.  They started off in the playroom, but then Isabella wanted it shifted into another room.  At first I said 'No', then I gave in.  There was a lot of laughter going on, as I pulled, Isabella pushed, and Mia helped in the middle.

Then they sat quite happily playing together.

But soon Isabella wanted to go to the park.  So off we went to feed the ducks, except we couldn't find any.  And of course we played in the park. 
Mia managed to climb up the slide all by herself and is now big enough to get on everything else.

It was very warm, about 26c, which is incredible as we are still in Winter!!

So we had a picnic outside.

I've enjoyed this morning,  I've had lots of kisses, cuddles and smiles.

My sweetest moment, when Isabella said, ' I love you Grandma, to the sky and back and to where Uncle Christian is.'

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