U.S.A Holiday - Day 8

Reading your back lit Kindle in a pitch black cabin does have some disadvantages, one of which is that it attracts all sorts of flying ‘beasties’.
We slept well a combination of a pitch black night with no light pollution, the high altitude and the absolute quiet meant I slept “like a log” and Clare was first up.
Our first home cooked breakfast of the holiday was taken in front of a huge window looking out over the forest. This holiday has brought me many things and high amongst them is an appreciation of the beauty of the world we live in.
A walk through Big Bear and a burrito lunch was made more enjoyable by having the dogs with us.
We purchased the bits to repair the cabins water supply only to find as we arrive back at the cabin that the belt had ‘gone’ on the Jeep.

Managed to repair both though.

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