
By AlrightFlower

That darn cat!

When I saw Charlie curled up like this, front paw across his eyes to cut out the daylight, I wondered what he'd been up to last night. He went out around 9.30 and I didn't see hide nor hair of him until 8.30 this morning. Had he and the local moggies had a party last night? Were those fireworks I heard theirs?? I'd love to rig up a little camera - a bit like one of those miners' headlights - so I could see where he goes. Chances are though, all I get would be dark shadows and him licking his bum...

But I would have loved to have been him today. Instead, I've been putting stuff away for most of the day (you know when I spent 2 days tidying up? Well actually I was just putting stuff in bags to be put away 'sometime later'), and this evening I thought I'd better have a look at getting the grout off the shower tiles, given I'd like a shower this evening.

My god!! Why did no-one explain to me that, if you leave it until the grout hardens, it's like trying to split open rocks with your bare hands???? My reasoning for not cleaning the grout off sooner was that surely I'd end up taking the grout from between the tiles too?

Anyway, I've done half of them tonight, with the aid of a wallpaper scraper (yes, I know I shouldn't have, but fortunately my tiles seem unharmed and there was no other way of removing the flippin' stuff) and I'll do the other half tomorrow night.

But tonight I AM GETTING A SHOWER, consequences be damned. And if there will be consequences which you know about, please don't tell me, I don't want to know!!


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