
By seddon

Big girl buggy

Me and mummy sat up last night watching the storms... the lightening was incredible! Daddy and Thomas slept straight through!
Even after the storms, it was still hot this morning as we walked Thomas to school. I kept rolling over in my pram, getting stuck as there isn't enough room to roll back and then getting cross, so when we got home mummy decided it was time to try out my big girl seat for the buggy... and I loved it!!
We kept as cool as possible, although I'm still clingier than normal, this morning.
This afternoon we went to Morrison's and I went in my big girl buggy. I watched everything and quite a few people stopped to chatter to me.
On the way home we stopped at grandma's to collect the paddling pool ready for when thomad got home.
After the last school football session of the term Thomas was very tired and very hot. He and daddy had a waterfight before bed: me and Mummy watched and I giggled the whole time!

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