
While the population of the UK has been basking in the sunshine I’m not sure whether plants bask.

At least these pansies are thriving.

Before heading to work an extra water was required ahead of the heat of the day.

Lots of correspondence addressed. Then off to the hospital to meet my “aunt’s” consultant to talk about progress and plans.

I was on time but had not taken into account the 5+ minute queue just to get into the (npaying) car park and the long walk from the furthest point where I could find a space. And this was an hour ahead of normal visiting time.

The heat outside was sweltering (31oC - which for Edinburgh is a record?). Inside with the lack of air it felt worse.

Still, plan agreed. Visit to aunt. Back to work on papers ( in the garden!). And as the clouds rolled in ahead of some thunder nipped up to see the cat was fed.

Ended the day with more papers and preparing for Monday's services.

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