Today has been hot hot hot!! Supposedly the hottest day in England since records began. Wayyy too hot for me! I was awake a lot in the night for extra feeds, and woke up for the day at about 6am!
This morning Thomas's class had a beach party to celebrate the end of their reception year, and me and mummy and the other parents went along to join in. They had a paddling pool, hook a duck, water pistols, 2 bouncy castles and lots of party food. When it was time for the adults to leave all of the children were sweaty, soaking and hyped up on sugar... and were just about to go to assembly!
Me and mummy went home and got ready for swimming. Sarah came with us so she could have a catch up with Mummy and some cuddles with me. I loved my swimming lesson again and nearly fell asleep when me and Mummy were floating on our backs!
This afternoon after we'd picked Thomas up from school, we played in the paddling pool. Football training was cancelled because of the heat and so when daddy got home we all had a waterfight before bath and bedtime.
There's supposed to be more storms tonight, mummy is hoping that they arrive so it cools down!! I've gone to bed tonight in just my nappy and it said on my monitor that it was 31 degrees in mummy and daddys bedroom!
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