Bluedot / Sunday

The unexpected highpoint of today was a talk about gardening! Midday found us in the Mission Control tent, listening to a talk entitled 'The Garden Jungle', which was fascinating and, for the Minx, I suspect, inspirational. 

Assuming we don't actually descend into some dystopian future redolent of the Dark Ages, then future students of the ecological disasters of the 21st Century will wonder why Dave Goulson wasn't running the country when he had such a clear vision of where we're heading and how to avoid it. (Instead it appears we will have the bumbling oaf Johnson imposed on us.)

I must confess that I suppressed the urge to immediately leave the festival and sign up to a Green coup, and instead spent the evening watching New Order, who were rather good. I had intended to miss the first half of their set to watch Kayla Painter but John tipped me off to the fact that they were likely to play 'She's Lost Control' and 'Transmission' in the first part of the set, which indeed they did. Splendidly.

The visuals all the way through were tremendous, most notably for 'Your Silent Face', which happens to be my favourite New Order song. The only low points in the set for me were, predictably, the newer material but I was delighted by the closing diptych of 'Atmosphere' and 'Love Will Tear Us Apart'.

(Interestingly - to me at least - they sampled Lou Reed's 'Street Hassle' for 'Temptation' and, more surprisingly, David Bowie's 'Cat People' for 'Atmosphere'.)

No scales
Reading: 'Case Histories' by Kate Atkinson

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