Bluedot / Exit

I woke up feeling a little groggy, this morning, after John and I polished off most of what was left of the bottle of JD in the Boutique bar last night. Still, a bottle of water sorted that out and thus refreshed, the Minx and I set about striking camp, which basically involved packing our bags and taking them to the car. (The joy of glamping!)

And this morning was pretty much a reverse of Thursday's process but instead of transferring Dan from our car to Charlie's, today we met them, plus Hannah and Milly, at Aldeli, and took Dan back with us, leaving the three girls to head back to Manchester. After we'd all had some breakfast, of course. 

We stopped off in Chorley on the way back so I could have a swim (and Dan could have a nap). After four days of festival eating and drinking, the swim was transformative and I came out feeling completely refreshed.

No scales
Reading: 'Case Histories' by Kate Atkinson

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