At the end of my riding lesson yesterday, the instructor pretty much demanded that I take George along to the show today. With not much time and only half of the outfit I needed I decided I'd just do the best I could manage and not stress, it'd be a good practice show. I haven't entered a show in about 25 years! 

With no facilities to wash George and him desperately needing trimmed, I felt I was letting him down a bit but again, it would be a good practice show

The judge was very complimentary of George and had a relaxed manner, keeping me from feeling petrified. 

The boy did amazingly. We came away with 2 firsts, 1 second and.... Reserve Champion Ridden Horse!! Lots of ribbons and a beautiful trophy!! 

George deserves it all completely. He's a heluvva horse. 

Gorgeous assisted me all day long, despite the day drawing out a lot longer than expected. 

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