A day off for George today after his hard work the last couple of days. I was going to give him a massage and as I arrived I found him flat out sparko. I approached quietly and he lifted his head to greet me. I managed to give him a good half hour massage in that position. Lots of work over his back, hips and flanks then his shoulder and neck. I was glad there was no tightness anywhere and he certainly loved the massage. He let out lots of long satisfied breaths and the occasional happy groan. So much ❤️ for this boy. Extra added of him easing into his treatment. 

After poo picking his field, I pulled up the dock heads before the seeds matured. A thoroughly lovely morning.

Gorgeous made it home for dog walk o'clock and we carried out the task in thick fog and drizzle. The weather forecast was rather inaccurate today, the promised sunshine just a dream. 

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