
By LifeLines


We had an impromptu picnic this evening, eating our dinner on the seashore at Prinsted - a little village on the edge of Chichester Harbour.  Its an interesting bay, looking towards Bosham in the east, with Thorny Island abutting the ledge of the land to the south.  Such a peaceful spot.  

Merlin came along with us - his first picnic!  He was very well behaved, sitting watching us eat and letting a few people stop and stroke him and saying 'hello' to other dogs in a calm manner.  

Afterwards we walked along to the yacht marina and on to the edge of Thorny Island.  The wind was quite strong but lovely and warm.  We saw plenty of birds, including a kestrel hovering for prey over the marshes and a man rowing out to visit his yacht - we assume to check the moorings as it is forecast to be very windy tomorrow - 48 mph gusts!

Hoping you have all had a good Monday.

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