
By LifeLines


A day for appreciating wind and rain after not having them for so long!  The weather was good not only for the plants but it helped me to feel that I could be relaxing today.  We had a longer than usual lie in bed (with 'barking dog in kitchen' sound track) and then a walk where we got soaked but had fun watching Merlin's ears flying back as he chased around madly in the grass, excited by the wind which was swirling it around.  Then I made yogurt and muesli bars and read.  

Later Merlin was bored so I took him for a walk to my allotment.  He enjoyed trying to burrow under the weed suppressing matting I had put down so we made a fairly swift exit and instead went for a walk via the village stream so he could have a paddle.  A roast chicken dinner has warmed us through and the rain has now stopped and I have the window open to allow a wonderful fresh breeze come into the room.  The weekend has flown by but it has been much appreciated and enjoyed.

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