Rakia in Flood

We left mid morning to take Aidan and Kaylene to Christchurch Airport for their flight back to Oz....sob sob :(

Wind and horrendous rain all the way up and rivers rising dramatically. We decided to take the inland Scenic Route home and we were buffetted with these gale force winds and persistant driving rain. This is the Rakia River today in very high flood.....this is it two year ago looking very different!!. Half a metre of rain has fallen in the Main Divide over the previous three days. It was tipping down while I was taking this.

Home to a houseful of family - the Wanaka foursome arrived today whilst we were away. Two dear little boys but scallywags to the max.

We have just come home from the Bay Carnival, nana even managed a ride on the chairoplane with Ella and Harry. And I loved it. We didn't hang around for too long, watched the wee Wanaka boys on the Merry Go Round. As it was bitterly cold, with a cool southerly wind now blowing dropping showers, we didn't linger.

The Wellington family leave for Queenstown tomorrow for a few days before coming back here for another couple of nights next week.

I tell you, its like Paddington Station at the moment, with all the comings and goings.......but its all good :)


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