Spoon Shots

By spoonshots

New Year's Day at Kopan

We had a lazy morning and then headed up the hill behind where we live to go to the Kopan Monastery. On the way we stopped off at a very pleasant nunnery where I took a lovely photo of a nun, but today's Blip has to go to the mini-monks that turned up with their teacher to do some study. I took loads of pictures, none of which are as great as I had hoped, but it was definitely the photo op of the day.

We had lunch once we arrived at the Monastery which was nice and then we had a look around. It was impressive and tranquil, the air clean and the atmosphere chilled. Very nice.

We were thinking of our friends Gaby and Nick as we know Gaby in particular would have loved the place :-D

We then got a taxi back to Bouda where we did some shopping and then some work back at home. We then went out again for dinner of spinach noodles and fried momos.

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