BikerBear's Blips

By BikerBear

All the Usual Suspects ......

....... were used in the creation of this image!! (that is, black background, tiny torch, camera, tripod and a x1 magnifying lens on my 50mm prime lens)

Firstly thank you soooooooooo much for all the great comments on Sir Sebastian Starling (he was knighted in the New Years Honours List) .... we are most flattered.

This is one of the flowers on the Christmas Cactus that I bought about two weeks ago and it now has flowers in abundance - I love the soft pinkness running through the white flower and the very bright redness on the stigma (I think it's the stigma but I could be wrong) - no enhancement on this red, it really is that bright - and I also like the way the pollen has fallen onto the petals.

NIKON D90 : f/10 : 1/10" : 50mm : ISO 200

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