For the Old and the New

We are seeing out the old year with some rather good fizz: Denbies Greenfields Cuvée. It comes from Surrey, and is full of flavour. We were startled by its quality.

The bottle was bequeathed to us by our son and daughter-in-law, who decided not to take it to California with them. We miss them of course, but were happy to the help them out with some of their unwanted wine! They probably don't miss the wind and the rain in the UK.

In truth, that left-hand bottle is now empty. We have our friends from Marple/Aspiran visiting us again to see in the New Year, so the task was not overwhelming...

The Piper-Heidsieck is destined for roughly 20 minutes' time to celebrate the arrival of 2013, and to accompany the fireworks on TV.

We wish a Happy and Prosperous New Year to all Blippers.

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