
By scharwenka

Further Experiments with Reflections

Every year that we have Christmas lights set up, I am fascinated by the multiple reflections that we see. They are in part a result of having two windows facing each other at either end of a long room. I thought that I would end 2011's Blipfotos with an attempt to capture something of the effects.

My entry for 23 December shows what we are seeing. This pre-Christmas photograph is looking into the room from outside the house. Now, on New Year's Eve, we are looking out from the window in the foreground of the earlier picture. It's a little difficult to get quite the result I want because my little Nikon does not allow the kind of exposure and aperture control needed. My attempts depend on fiddling the exposure compensation and ISO speed. Even so, there are at least two reflected trees.

Now, I tried turning the spiral light on. Apart from the direct image and the primary reflection, I can make out two secondary reflections on the far left of the window frame. I hope they are visible in the published images.

Finally, I discovered an unexpected and fun result amongst the shots I had taken! Apparently, a breeze had stirred the tree while my shutter was open on the long-ish exposure.

Happy New Year to everyone!

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