Sorry Jakey!

Jakey liked the look of this gift bow, but when I put it upon his head he completely changed his mind about it, as you can see here.

He says he much prefers tinsel upon his head. Well, I didn't have any tinsel to hand, which is why he has a bow.

Have you written down and declared to all and sundry your New Year's Resolutions?
No, me neither.

It doesn't mean that I haven't thought of them.
I'm just not committing them in the public arena, although I might tell you, if you promise not to tell anybody, of course!

It's all about doing, isn't it.
Doing this. Doing that.
That's probably where I fall down... not literally, I mean.
With the doing.
I do think a lot about what I need to do....

Maybe I should think less and "do" more?
I might try that one as an option.

For instance, things to do today, without thinking...

1. Invoice for services received.
These choreographies don't work themselves out!

2. Finish taking down Christmas decorations.
Yes, I'm led to believe it's only the 9th day of Christmas with ladies leaping all over the place, but I've started so I'll finish, as dear old Magnus would say.

3. Have a good old rummage through my back catalogue for the next photographic society competition entries.
And delete once and for all any old rubbishy ones whilst I'm in there and keep that up on a daily basis.

4. Oh, this one could be tricky... Do not eat any more Thorntons or Marks and Spencers chocolates today. I think the tip is to not make a cup of coffee.

5. Start shooting in raw and try getting it right first time.
No, this is not me clay-pigeon shooting in a state of undress...

It's hard work, all this thinking.

It must be time for lunch, surely...?

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