Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

It’s coffee, man

Frothy Coffee man comes to our Leatherhead office in his van twice a day bringing with him a mobile disco and a collection of Lego characters to play with whilst you are queuing. His most famous trademark however is his constantly evolving facial hair, which I have been following for the best part of a decade. I think you could safely say the latest iteration is that of a kind of Hogwarts Professor on a night out with his old college buddies. The t shirt of course suggests other interests; I envy him that, it’s a clever design.

Today was just work, change management, relationship building, and managing a backlog. I was in the groove again today (that’s twice this year) and even made a decision. We ring a bell in the office when anyone makes a decision and we all stand ‘round and clap and celebrate. Actually I’m joking, even if it was true someone would need to take the decision to ring the bell and that is never going to happen.

A colleague told me about their plans to retire and start a gardening business. I introduced them to one of my most useful tools, namely the fence post auger which is also good for screwing shrub roots out of the ground and creating holes for medium sized plants.

Strider went off to Oxford today for five days, he is manning a trade stall at the Countryfile show at Blenheim Palace. If you are planning to go, say hello to him for me. He is just like me only younger, better looking, nicer, more muscular and better read, you can’t miss him. https://www.countryfilelive.com/
He’ll be in the Craghoppers tent selling outdoor gear.

Had a bizarre dream last night where I was staying in a house full of hippies in Poland and got dragged into a wild party with talking furniture that descended into an orgy. Before you ask I was just an onlooker. I think that’s the steroids again, as well as giving me the munchies I have the most fantastic and vivid dreams every night. Almost as vivd and fantastic as coffee man …

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