Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The blob

Never seen fungus that resembles cauliflower cheese before ...


So very hot today. TSM registered 37 degrees in her open-to-air office at the bottom of the garden. I don’t do extremes of heat; like the lettuces in our vegetable patch I go limp and lose my crunch, so work was rather difficult, although it is very quiet in the VO (Virtual Office) at the moment. Lot of people taking a break, nearly all of them in the UK or on staycation.


The Dizzle and Mystic Em are back for the weekend. Rather lovely surprise. We sat in the garden until late (for us), enjoying the cooler air and catching up. The garden is full of colour and the cats were happy to everyone home. One of those evenings when you felt blessed at having so much in your life...

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