
By Houseonahill6


We had to go to Inverness to pick up some tubes for the air vents in the loft as the Pineys had broken them all.
It was overcast here and raining on the way but I was determined to go for a walk whatever the weather.
What a surprise when we arrived in Merkinch and the sun started to pop through the haar.
The views were incredible , I always like the view down the Firth but today it was really special.
We walked along the path the the tide lapping at the sides, the highest we’ve seen it for a while, we seem to have been at Low Tide the last few times.
Plenty of butterflies and birds both on the water and in trees and bushes.
The herons were in their usual place, no sign of the Kingfisher.
Two large yachts were in the Loch waiting for it to fill up before going through.
Feeling very thirsty and now that the sun was shining really hot too we went to the Pub for a drink.
Did not realise it was as big as it was, we’ve only be past it before. The barman has a good sense of humour with funny signs up. They have a beer garden and when I asked ‘ how do you get there ? ‘ he said , ‘ Just out there, catch the No 9 bus ! ‘ lol.
After a refreshing coke we walked the rest of the way to the end of the canal. A slow walk as I was taking lots of photos.Some people were doing a survey of the canal , wonder what their findings will be.
Coming back we heard a train whistle so waited to catch it going over the swing bridge.We were surprised to see it was the Royal Scotman carriages pulled by a diesel locomotive.
A couple of ‘normal’ trains went by as well.
A lovely walk back to the car .The clouds looked amazing especially when reflected in the calm water.
Spotted a funny looking boat , not sure what it is, anyone any ideas ?

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