Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

Oor Wulie - Seagulls

A nice morning for a bike ride. Not too sticky, not too warm. I manage to leave a little earlier than usual. The slight breeze in in my face for the first part out Seafield Moor Road to Auchendinny. The climb out the Loanstone is ok as vegetation slows the wind, but at the top, I turn left on to the Top Gear road. A bit of a grind over Mount Lothian, and also up to the Falla Toll Road.

Then its time to use the wind, I head SW to the A703, quite nice and fast-ish, so I must be wind assisted here. The A703 isn't too bad with traffic, and occasionally I am buffeted by a side wind, but the road surface is always pretty bad, so it's good to get to Eddleston

Turning right from Eddleston to head over the Meldons, I am overtaken by another cyclist. I don't try to keep up as I don't want to blow up on the return home. Nice quiet ride up to the top, just a couple of Sunday drivers and a few Sunday riders. Still a bit cloudy though. Good job i am wearing the clear lenses in the cycling glasses. I like the descent from the Meldons to the A72, but it isn't very fast because of the wind.

The A72 seems a little hard than usual, but I am heading up stream, which means a slight climb. The Turn off the A72 to head for Romannobridge. There is a side wind again. From Romannobridge, I get pushed up the hill on the road to Bogsbank, and once at the top, the wind isn't an issue as it is mainly downhill.

It's nice to get to West Linton. The climb up to the moor is a segment on strava. It is called the Everest Curve. Starts off OK, but it kicks up about 1/3 of the way up to 9% until it bends left, then it is 5%. In to the wind it is quite a challenge, it is not a long hill, but the last bit seems to go on longer than it actually does. The Moor road itself, the wind doesn't seem to be too much of an issue. the sun is trying to break through, but the clouds are stubborn. Once past the top, there are a a few slight descents after Harlaw Muir. The real descent is after Auchencorth, it is quite fast, and it doesn't take long to get to Ravensneuk. I turn right, head to Leadburn, then descend to Auchendinny. From there, back along the Seafield Moor Rd, and Hillend to home.

In the afternoon, my partner and I head down to Newington. There doesn't seem to be much in the charity shops this week, so we walk over to Forrest Road to visit the one charity shop there that is open. On the way there, Bristo Square is full of stalls, it's nearly festival time. And by the MacEwan Hall, it one of the Oor Wullie's, this one decorated with seagull faces (although at first glance it looks like penguins) After that charity shop, we head for coffee. After coffee, we walk across the Meadows, the sun has come out, to Morningside to get something for tea before heading home. A nice way to end Sunday.

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