It's a Beautiful Life

By ArtyFi

Taking the air...

...and sniffing the branches. We took the air too, around the Botanical Gardens, and very pleasant it was too. There seemed to be loads of squirrels dancing around each other and coming close to check out whether any food was on offer. One was carrying a bunch of leaves in its mouth and scampered up a tree...nest building perhaps?

We also stopped for a little lunch at the Terrace Cafe but as indoors was full both with people and the cries of a kindergarten, we opted for the cooler but more peaceful surrounding of the outdoors. Fortunately it was a pleasant enough day.

Then to the supermarket for some basic supplies and gifts for the friends we are seeing next week in Austria. Can't wait!

Thank you all for your kind comments on yesterday's boot blip. I wish I could stumble across more subjects like that more often!

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