
By seddon

Great aunties!

Me and mummy had to wake Thomas up this morning! He has had a very busy weekend!
We dropped him off at school and headed back home.
Me and mummy had a lazy day - we were quite tired too! I've also been quite clingy and grumpy. Mummy is wondering if she might have eaten some dairy over the weekend because my tummy isn't quite right.
After school and an early tea it was time for Joseph day 2. Grandma and Grandad, uncle Marmoo and Cat, auntie Nen and auntie Ruth, auntie Marie and Sophie and David came to watch Thomas and Hollie and Ava.
Me and mummy sat in the foyer tonight as mummy wasn't sure that I would sit through it again, but I was very good.
The show was amazing again.. Thomas is very proud of himself for having been part of it!

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