
Today was not a (bank) holiday for me, so I pretty much had the whole road to myself for my cycle commute this morning. Unfortunately, I couldn't translate that advantage into any kind of improvement in speed as I was also horribly out of shape from the seasonal break.

For my lunchbreak I thought I should check out the last few days of the Christmas fair. I was also motivated by a work colleague who lent me his 85mm f/1.8 lens since that was something I've been thinking about acquiring, albeit way back before Christmas when I actually had some spare cash. A quick review: bitingly sharp, no AF fine tuning required, focus a bit slow but accurate, very usable wide-open. However, it's a bit hard to see from a quick 30 minutes' use if it's an improvement on my humble 50mm f/1.8.

This is the first portrait I took with that 85mm lens. I took a couple other portraits, one of which probably demonstrated the background bokeh better. But this came out as my favourite.

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