twinned with trumpton


A groggy start. But I was revived by a hurl around the neighbourhood on folding bikes with Pensioner. I took Mr B whilst he road tested my on loan e bike. Thru Trinity to Mr Eion's via Jack MacCallum's carvings at Warriston. Then a peleton with Dave the architect back homewards.

A quick turnaround and off to 52 Canoes to meet Her. Paul's lass is doing a show Emotional Bangers. Highlight? Fuckboy.

To Paradise Palms for lunch. Except no one came to take a food order so we supped up and instead hung out at Paul's and grabbed Tupinquim goodness and tastyness and also chatted with the star of the show.

Then to hers to draw breath before going back out to get meter readings and onwards to Vablab. Pink mojitos and drug fuelled egos. And some good stuff too. I may have agreed to a red dot for her birthday.

A meander up the Cowgate with a backdrop of fireworks before freewheeling home

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