twinned with trumpton


Feeling quite chipper in spite of several drinks the night before, I set about painting. Instagran has the details.

Coffee and avocado/ bacon / poached egg bagels too. 

Continuing the painting vibe I went off to the wall for Mainline's 8th birthday jam. I think loads of those at VabLab were a little tender as there was a subdued air about the place... Nice sunny air about the place though.

And so to Qupi. Dreich and imindoors and I had been requested to guide Arachne to the wall and the Mill. After a swift caffeine fix we strolled off down the Walk. A minor domestic emergency dealt with, a brief encounter with Meles and She arrived as we processed to the wall. Chatting, shooting, strolling. 
Nobles for swift half and onwards sans imindoors to see his mill without his hand on the tiller to guide us through it's finer points. 

The wall was more active than earlier, paint fumes a-plenty. Paper's one caught the eye. The Mill was duly fawned over before we headed back to our start point. 

A maist enjoyable catch up with those reprobates and grand to meet Arachne and share thoughts ideas and MOs. 

Pausing ever do briefly to change into trousers and meet Her, it was off to Bloc for their inaugural 2020 Vision show. See extras for info and what's on the wall, but you'll need to be quick. 

Yet another evening of hard liquor and chatting with artists. 

As darkness threatened we headed up to Hers; I rustled up an Ottolenghi seafood stew with spinach. Tasted good. 

And so I headed off home into the cool night, only to get caught in a monsoonesque downpour. From the Dean Bridge to the foot of Comely Bank Avenue...what..half a mile? Soaked through. But it was warm so on I went, soaking it all up....

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