Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to fellow Blippers.
Our celebrations started on the morning of Hogmanay with John and I teaching the ceilidh dances to the guests at our local hotel In Inveraray. In the evening we had a wonderful Hogmanay dinner with our friends and the guests followed by a grand ceilidh dance , everyone dressed in beautiful evening dresses ( and that was just the men LOL as they say ). No most of the men were in full highland dress and looking so smart. Great music and a band full of fun to lead us through the evening.

After the Bells this young man played us into the New Year. A very stirring and lively welcome to 2013. Here's hoping it brings all we hope for in the coming year.

New year's day was, off course , a day for family and agreat day it was too!

Today 2nd January we were delighted to hear on the radio the surprise in the voices of the commentators as the Sons went 1 - 0 up, then 2-0 and finally 3-0 up . What a result, the bottom of the league ( us ) beat the top of the league ( sorry Alasdair ) . Can we do it on Saturday against Dunfermline? Unfortunately no photos from the game today as we couldn't go, both of us have heavy colds and were definitely not well enough to travel to the game!

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